Design and Analysis of Algorithms, August 2024 - November 2024
Day → Branch ↓ |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
CS-A (C114) | 10:30 am | 12:30 pm | 02:30 pm | 02:30 pm | |||
CS-B (C115) | 12:30 pm | 03:30 pm | 11:30 am | 02:30 pm |
The main objective of this course is to discuss the techniques necessary to propose practical algorithmic solution for real world problems, which still permit strong theoretical bounds on time and space utilization. Students will study a wide collection of important and useful algorithms with necessary data structures in different areas of applications, focusing on fundamental concepts.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
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👉 Attention: The lecture slides are not the replacement of books. The instructor is suggesting you to develop a habit of reading from the text/reference books.
Sl No # | Date | Time | Lecture Duration | Contents Discussed | |
01 | - | - | 2.0 hrs | ◦ Chapter 1 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Course overview, Pre-reqisites, Motivation, Informal introduction to DAA; Tools for algorithm analysis: RAM model of computation, concepts of worst case, best case and average case time. |
02 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 2 & 3 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Idea of asymptotic notations; Asymptotic notations: Definitions, interpretations, asymptotic relation among common functions, and examples. |
03 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 4 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Recurrence relations: Definition, Interpretation of the solution of a recurrence relation; Solving recurrence relations using substitution (iterative) method with examples |
04 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 4 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Soving recurrence relation by recurrence tree method; Analyzing the complexity of code fragments. |
05 | - | - | 2.0 hrs | ◦ Chapter 2.3 of T1 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Divide and Conquer: Genereal Structure of divide and conquer approach; Merge sort (Problem Statement), merge procedure (example), complexity analysis of merge process, merge sort algorithm, worst case analysis of merge sort. |
06 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Exercise 2.1.3 and 2.3.5 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Divide and Conquer: Binary and ternary Search (problem statement, algorithm, example and analysing the worst case complexity); (HW) Comparision of binary and ternary search algorithms. |
07 | - | - | 2.0 hrs | ◦ Chapter 7 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Divide and Conquer: Quick sort: Idea, Partition procedure, example, complexity of partition procedure, complexity analysis of quicksort (worst, best and average case) |
08 | - | - | 1.0 hr | Refer class lecture | Divide and Conquer: Naive matrix multiplication revisited, matrix multiplication using divide & conquer approach, Strassen’s matrix multiplication, Complexity analysis |
09 | - | - | 3.0 hrs | ◦ Chapter 6 of T1 ◦ Refer class lecture |
Heap sort: Definition, Properties, Basic building blocks and proofs to develop the heap sort algorithm; Heapify, Build heap, Heap sort with examples, complexity analysis of Heapify, Build heap, Heap sort; (Self-reading) Concepts of priority queue |
10 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 8.1 of T1 ◦ Refer class lecture |
Lower bound for Sorting: Basic concept of lower bound for sorting, detailed analysis and mathematical derivation |
11 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 4 of T1 ◦ Refer class lecture |
The Master Method: Basic and generalized master method mathematical expressions with examples |
12 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 15 of T1 ◦ Refer class lecture |
Dynamic Programming: Necessary elements of dynamic programming, principle of optimality, idea of memoization using example; Matrix chain multiplication (MCM) - problem statement explanation using an example |
13 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 15 of T1 ◦ Refer class lecture |
Dynamic Programming: Matrix chain multiplication: deriving mathematical expression of the recursive solution, developing algorithm, complexity analysis, example |
14 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 15 of T1 ◦ Refer class lecture |
Dynamic Programming: Longest Common Subsequence: Problem statement, solution approach and deriving the mathematical expression, developing algorithm, complexity analysis, example |
15 | - | - | 2.0 hrs | ◦ Chapter 16 of T1 ◦ Refer class lecture ◦ Greedy criteria |
Greedy Paradigm: Elements of Greedy paradigm; Fractional Kanpsack: Problem statement formulation, example, building solution on greedy criteria, algoritm and complexity analysis; 0-1 knapsak problem statement, failure of 0-1 knapsack with greedy, dynamic programming solution of 0-1 knapsack problem, complexity analysis |
16 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 16 of T1 ◦ Refer class lecture |
Greedy Paradigm: Huffman Codes: Explanation of the problem statement, example, applications of Huffman code, building the solution idea of Huffman Code, algorithm, tracing the algorithm for an example, and complexity analysis |
17 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 16 of T1 ◦ Refer class lecture ◦ Greedy criteria |
Greedy Paradigm: Activity selection problem statement formulation, description of the greedy criteria, developing the greedy algorithm, complexity analysis, solving an example |
18 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 21 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Data Structure for Disjoint Sets: Definition, Basic Operations, Linked-list representation of disjoint sets and operations with complexity analysis |
19 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ View Lecture Slide | Graphs, basic terminologies, and graph representations |
20 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 22 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Graph Traversal: Breadth First Search (BFS) Problem statement, development of the algorithm, complexity analysis, example |
21 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 22 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Graph Traversal: Depth First Search (BFS) Problem statement, development of the algorithm, complexity analysis, example |
22 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 23 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
MST (Greedy): Kruskal’s algorithm, complexity analysis, example |
23 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 23 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
MST (Greedy): Prim’s algorithm, complexity analysis, example |
24 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 24 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Single Source Shortest Path: Basic terminologies, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Example, Complexity analysis |
25 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 24 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Single Source Shortest Path: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Example, Complexity analysis |
26 | - | - | 1.0 hr | ◦ Chapter 24 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
All-pairs Shortest Path: Floyd-Warshall’s Algorithm, Example, Complexity analysis |
27 | - | - | 2.0 hrs | ◦ Chapter 34 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Complexity Classes: P, NP, NPC basic idea, intractable vs tractable problems, optimization vs decision problems, definition of P class, examples of P class problems, NP hard, NP complete, co-NP classes, polynomial time reduction and its significance, relationship between P, NP, NPC, NP-hard, co-NP |
28 | - | - | 2.0 hrs | ◦ Chapter 35 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide-1 ◦ Vertex cover example ◦ Approx. TSP |
Handling NP-Complete Problems: Idea of approximation algorithms, approximation ratio, 2-approximation algorithms for Vertex cover and Euclidean TSP, examples |
29 | - | - | 1.5 hrs | ◦ Chapter 32 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide ◦ Slide video |
String Matching: (Optional) Problem statement, Preliminary Idea, Naive algorithm, Example, complexity of naive algorithm; Rabin-Karp Method: Basic idea, Mathematical background, Horner’s rule, Polynomial evalution, Algorithm, Complexity, Example |
30 | - | - | 2.5 hrs | ◦ Chapter 30 of T1 ◦ View Lecture Slide |
Fast Fourier Transform: (Optional) Polynomial addition, multiplication, evaluation; coefficient vs point-value representaion of polynomials and basic operations, Fourier transform, DFT and inverse DFT to translate between polynomial representations, quick discussion on complex roots of unity; Divide and conquer algorithm of FFT, complexity analysis |