Formal Language and Automata Theory, August 2021 (CE)

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Note: This evaluation pattern may subject to change due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Course Progress and Lecture Notes

Sl No # Date Time Duration
Reading List and Resources
Contents Discussed
1 09/08/21 12:15pm 1.0 hr - A bird’s-eye view to formal language and automata theory
2 16/08/21 12:55pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Introduction to automation, formal languages, grammar, formal models
3 23/08/21 12:15pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Alphabets, strings, string operations, power of alphabet, languages, finite automata definition, example of a simple finite automata
4 26/08/21 10:05am 1.0 hr Class Lecture Definition of FA revisited, extended transition function, Examples to construct minimal DFA, String and language acceptance
5 29/08/21 11:00am 1.0 hr Class Lecture Some examples of minimal DFA construction
6 02/09/21 04:10pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Examples of minimal DFA construction continued
7 03/09/21 10:05am 1.0 hr Class Lecture (Continued) Examples on minimal DFA formation
8 13/09/21 12:15pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture (Continued) Examples on minimal DFA, Languages accepeted by DFA and it’s complement language, some examples on DFA design using complementation concept, Definition of regular languages, example to show a language to be regular
9 16/09/21 04:00pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Representation on languages(verbal description, set notation, using grammars), Defintion of grammar: variables, terminals, start variable, production rules, language accepted by grammar, sentential forms of derivation, Examples on grammars and languages
10 17/09/21 10:05pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Some Applications of automation (Grammar for variable identifier in C, finite automation for all legal C identifiers, automation for n-bit binary adder)
11 20/09/21 12:15pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Non-deterministic finite acceptors (NFA): Definition, examples
12 23/09/21 04:00pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Equivalence between NFA and DFA, Subset consctruction method from NFA to DFA, Examples
13 24/09/21 10:05pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture NFA with \( \epsilon \) moves (\( \epsilon \)-NFA), \( \epsilon \)-closure, examples on \( \epsilon \)-closure, Equivalence between \( \epsilon \)-NFA and NFA, example on the \( \epsilon \)-NFA and NFA equivalece
14 27/09/21 12:15pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Construction of DFA from NFA, examples, Complementation of NFA, Minimization of DFA: State elimination method, examples on state elimination method
15 01/10/21 04:00pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Minimization of DFA: Table filling method, examples on table filling method
16 04/10/21 12:15pm - - Mid-semester (30 marks)
17 08/10/21 04:00pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Finite automata with output, Introduction to Moore and Melay machine, Definition of Moore and Melay machine, Some examples to construct Moore machine
18 25/10/21 12:15pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Examples on Melay machine
19 27/10/21 09:00am 1.0 hr Class Lecture Equivalence between Moore and Melay machine, Conversion from Moore to Melay and vice-versa
20 29/10/21 10:05am 1.0 hr Class Lecture Regular expression,Regular operators, precedence of operators, Examples of some basic regular expressions and the corresponding languages, Proofs on some special properties of empty language
21 01/11/21 12:15pm 1.0 hr Refer to next class’s note Problems on regular expression formation (1-20)
22 12/11/21 10:05am 1.0 hr Class Lecture Problems on regular expression formation (20-40)
23 19/11/21 10:05am 1.0 hr Class Lecture Conversion of regular expression to FA and vice-versa, Arden’s lemma for FA to regular expression conversion, some examples on Arden’s lemma
24 22/11/21 12:15pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture State elimination method for FA to regular expression conversion, some examples on state elimination method
25 23/11/21 05:30pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Closure properties of regular languanges(union, intersection, concatenation, complementation, star-closure, reversal, homomorphism, prefix etc) and their proofs with examples
26 25/11/21 05:30pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Identifying whether a language is regular or not!!, Pumping lemma theorem and it’s proof, Examples on pumping lemma
27 26/11/21 05:30pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture Examples on pumping lemma (continued … )
28 29/11/21 05:30pm 1.0 hr Class Lecture The Chomsky hierarchy (Type-0, type-1, type-2, and type-3) for grammars and languages
29 30/11/21 05:30pm 2.0 hrs Class Lecture CFG and CFL, Some basic properties of CFG, Simplification of CFG(Removing Useless symbols, epsilon-productions, and unit productions), Some ToDo as home work for students
30 31/11/21 05:30pm 1.0 hr Section 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4 of R4 Pushdown automata (definition, design), non-deterministic and deterministic pushdown automata, relationship of pushdown automata with context free languages
31 31/11/21 05:30pm 1.0 hr Section 8.1, section 8.2.1 of R4 Pumping lemma for context free languages and linear languages, closure properties of context free languages
32 31/11/21 05:30pm 1.0 hr Section 9.1 of R4 Definition of Turing machine, Turing machine as language acceptors and transducers

All the best for your examination…